About Us

The Sasquatch Clothing Company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio by Jesse Morgan and Alan Megargle in 2013 as the retail arm of their soon to be business “empire” that would eventually include Twisted Tree Films, Bigfoot Adventure Weekends and the National Paranormal Network. Sasquatch Clothing Company specializes in unique merchandise and gifts related to the paranormal, UFOs & aliens, Bigfoot and other cryptids. Jesse and Alan design and select merchandise that they love and feature those in their store and they always try to find those special items their customers love. In addition to their online store, Sasquatch Clothing Company takes their amazing vendor table to many events including Bigfoot & paranormal conferences and festivals. Checkout the Events page for their schedule of appearances and vendor events.

The first incarnation of the Sasquatch Clothing Company debuted at the Ohio Bigfoot Conference at Salt Fork State Park on April 13th, 2013 as Grassman Gear, paying homage to the Ohio Bigfoot known as the Grassman. Alan and Jesse began running the audio/video for the Ohio Bigfoot Conference in 2011 and in return they received a free vendor table. The two men wanted to take advantage of this opportunity so they put their heads together and Grassman Gear was born. For the 2013 conference, they debuted their new logo and first t-shirt design. The shirts sold out during the event and they used that money to expand for the following year. Today, their inventory includes over 40 different items that range from t-shirts to hand painted figures.

At the end of 2017, Alan moved to Denver, Colorado and Jesse kept Grassman Gear running back in Ohio. In the fall of 2019 Jesse followed Alan and also moved to Colorado. Now that the guys were no longer in Ohio and the Grassman was 1,300 miles away, it was time to rebrand. After much thought, the two men purchased the website domain www.sasquatchclothingcompany.com and began a fresh start with a new website and a new name. On February 6th, 2020 Sasquatch Clothing Company was officially born.

Bob Gimlin  Grassman Gear Bea Mills vendor table


The Sasquatch Clothing Company Team

Alan Megargle

Alan Megargle is an award-winning filmmaker, lecturer, event organizer, paranormal investigator and Bigfoot researcher. He directed the films The Back 80, Ghosts in Ghost Towns and The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed. Alan currently co-stars in the paranormal adventure series Trails to the Unknown and is featured in the documentary Spiritual Bigfoot. He began conducting Bigfoot investigations with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (B.F.R.O.) in his home state of Ohio over a decade ago. Now residing in Colorado, Alan continues his investigation and utilizes all of his experiences to push the boundaries of Bigfoot research in his search for answers.            


Jesse Morgan


Jesse Morgan has a diverse background that includes strategic planning, marketing and military service. He is a photographer, film director, and artist and has won numerous awards for his still photography. Jesse’s Film Director credits include The Back 80 & Spiritual Bigfoot and he also co-stars in the paranormal adventure series Trails to the Unknown. His background gives him a critical eye and the drive to get the answers needed to solve this mystery. Jesse would like nothing more than to bring conclusive evidence to the world that proves the existence of Bigfoot.