Tales from the Field — research
Alan Megargle

The Day I Saw Bigfoot: The Bradshaw Ranch Encounter
The sun was going down and the darkness setting in as we made our way back to Bradshaw Ranch. I’d just made my first trip there a few hours ago but it was time to return and conduct our night investigation. The dirt road is long and rough as our rented Jeep navigated each bump and rock in the road with precision. Sitting next to me in the back seat was a guy we had met earlier in the day who goes by the name Hoodoo Tall, my father-in-law Ron was in the front passenger seat and my brother-in-law Joel...
Jesse Morgan

False Clues and Disappointments
Stop, I uttered in a harsh, barely above whisper voice. I froze and quickly raised the video camera up to my eye.
Alan Megargle

Cadiz, Salt Fork, Wills Creek Pt 3
Mark Maisel drove us around the dirt roads of Salt Fork to show us interesting areas where Bigfoot activity had taken place
Alan Megargle

Cadiz, Salt Fork, Wills Creek Pt 2
We arrived at the Wills Creek area after 10pm and parked in a gravel lot off a dirt road that wound along between the old strip mines.
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